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Support Team

Partner’s Health Plan (PHP) FIDA-IDD plan uses an Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) approach to make sure your life goals and needs are taken care of, and that all of your providers are working together.

What is you Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) and what does it do?

An IDT is a group of people working together to make sure all your goals and needs are being met.

Your IDT is specially designed for you. Your Care Coordination team will help you decide who should be part of your IDT based on what is important to you.

The members of your IDT work together to make sure you are getting the support you need to keep you healthy and safe and to reach the goals that are important to you. Your Care Manager is the leader of the IDT and will make sure that the IDT is doing all it needs to do for you. Some of the things the members of your IDT must do are:

  • Involve you in all decisions about your services, and share any information you need to help make those decision
  • Take part in assessments and IDT meetings
  • Tell one another of any changes in your health or other needs that may mean your Life Plan needs to change
  • Work with you to create a Life Plan that includes all the services and supports you need to meet your life goals and health and safety needs. The Life Plan will list the specific activities that each of your providers will do to support you. Your IDT will meet with you at least every 6 months to review your Life Plan and to make changes if needed. You can ask to meet with your IDT at any time

What is you Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) and what does it do?

An IDT is a group of people working together to make sure all your goals and needs are being met.

Your IDT is specially designed for you. Your Care Coordination team will help you decide who should be part of your IDT based on what is important to you.

The members of your IDT work together to make sure you are getting the support you need to keep you healthy and safe and to reach the goals that are important to you. Your Care Manager is the leader of the IDT and will make sure that the IDT is doing all it needs to do for you. Some of the things the members of your IDT must do are:

  • Involve you in all decisions about your services, and share any information you need to help make those decision
  • Take part in assessments and IDT meetings
  • Tell one another of any changes in your health or other needs that may mean your Life Plan needs to change
  • Work with you to create a Life Plan that includes all the services and supports you need to meet your life goals and health and safety needs. The Life Plan will list the specific activities that each of your providers will do to support you. Your IDT will meet with you at least every 6 months to review your Life Plan and to make changes if needed. You can ask to meet with your IDT at any time
man and woman playing a game with a group of people

Who is part of the IDT?

There are some people who must be part of your IDT.

These people are:

  • You, or your representative or designee
  • Your Care Manager
  • Your primary providers of Developmental Disability Services
    (for example; your House Manager, your job coach, or the instructor at your Day Habilitation program)

You may also choose to have others who are important in your life be part of your IDT. When choosing who to include on your IDT, you may want to think of those people who can help give information about things that are important to you. Examples of some people who may be included on your IDT are:

  • Your Behavioral Health Professional
  • Your home care aide(s) or someone from the home care agency who knows about your needs
  • Your Primary Care Physician
  • Any other providers or natural supports who are important to you

What are a member's responsibilites?

You (or your advocate) are the most important member of your IDT. Like all the members of the IDT, you have things you need to do so the IDT can work the way it is supposed to. Some of your responsibilities are:

  • Knowing who your Care Manager is
  • Sharing information with your Care Manager about your needs, concerns and any changes in your health, work, or home situation
  • Attending and actively being a part of all IDT meetings
  • Doing your best to follow the guidelines agreed to with the IDT members providing your supports

Not a member? If you have questions or would like to learn more about the PHP Care Complete FIDA-IDD (Medicare – Medicaid Plan) plan and if its right for you, use the form below, connect with our outreach team, or call 855-747-5483 and TTY users call 711, 8 AM to 8 PM, seven days a week. The call is free.

For more information about enrolling in the
PHP Care Complete FIDA-IDD Plan:

Contact us!

Complete the form below to connect with a Partners Health Plan Outreach Associate to learn more about PHP FIDA-IDD Plan benefits and enrollment procedures or to request informational materials. 

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Connect with our outreach team!

You can reach out to one of our NYS licensed Outreach Associates to schedule a one on one education session at your convenience.

Are you ready to enroll in PHP Care Complete FIDA-IDD Plan?

To enroll, visit or call NY Medicaid Choice at 1-844-343-2433 (TTY: 1-888-329-1541), Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 8:00 PM, and Saturday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Visit NY Medicaid Choice

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